updated September 2022
Hey there 👋… thanks for visiting my corner of the internet and peeking at some of the work I have done over the years. It’s a work-in-progress… Right now, I’m studying for my MS in International Business 4.0 + Luxury Marketing so if I’m not working with my freelance clients or the events from my floral business, I’m probably furiously googling away for my next project or paper!
As the subject implies, I have a keen interest in how the world is becoming more interconnected and navigating developing tech. And why luxury marketing? Well, I love how luxury marketing seeks to inspire and also how service-centered luxury marketing is. The combination of the two naturally lends to creating personalized experiences, immersive environments and evoking emotions. I feel there is much to learn about this specialized area of marketing, especially as the definition of luxury is changing. In fact, my research paper is on luxury hospitality and sustainability here in Hawaii.
I am definitely a generalist and my curiosity has led me down a few random paths: I have a desire to connect the dots, to find relationships between things that appear unrelated and disparate; I like to analyze and break things apart and I like to problem-solve; as someone who was always pursuing the arts, I surprise myself to say that I enjoy business strategy and research just as much, sometimes even more. I am always seeking opportunities for people to connect to one another. I enjoy learning and by working in digital, the opportunities are infinite.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me.
🙂 Sylvia