Account Manager
Project Manager
Senior Experience Designer*
Experience Designers
Front-end Developers
Back-end Developers
Project Manager
Senior Experience Designer*
Experience Designers
Front-end Developers
Back-end Developers
- Conceptual Design
- Creative Direction
- Font-End Development
- Information Architecture
- UX/UI & Visual Design
- Product Marketing
- 2017 Communicator Awards Gold for Excellence – Online Advertising – Landing Page
Keeping Brands relevant.
Experience Design Lead for Anthology Marketing Group*
The Bank of Hawaii is a regional financial services bank that serves businesses, consumers, and institutions throughout the Pacific. Acting as lead experience designer for the client meant multiple ongoing projects of varying degrees of scope – with design projects ranging from social media ads, digital paid advertising campaigns, various microsites, product redesign and continuous optimization of
One particularly fun project was developing the concept for a social media advertisement to promote Bank of Hawaii’s partnership with Zelle. I developed the initial concept and worked with the advertising team to design a storyboard and assisted in casting and production to introduce this new product.